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Aim of this project
Create a tool for helping the developers to write simple and maintainable unit tests with minimal effort on the tedious part and let them focus on the important part of the tests.
This plugin promotes the “Test First” approach. Create a well structured test method skeleton from the method signature with
- given-when-then blocks (Gherkin style)
- given: pre-initialized parameter values
- when: method is called
- then: assert for return value
Additional features:
- using mockito runner for fast test execution
- mock dependencies of the tested class
- using TestValueFactory for effortless but consistent input value creation, see samples below
- using JSON comparison for checking complex result types instead of endless asserts on each single field value
- customization through preferences
Spring support:
- use Spring testing annotations if that is preferred or needed
- enhanced rest endpoint testing with MockMvc
Find more details in the Release Notes…
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